Seminario de Genética de poblaciones en FAVET

Genomics reveals flaws in current policies for animal conservation

Michael Ryan Miller, PhD.
Animal Science Department, UC Davis
Invitado por Ricardo Verdugo, PhD


Jueves 30 de julio, 15:00
Auditorio Hugo K. Sievers

Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria, U. of Chile.
Av. Santa Rosa 11735, La Pintana, Santiago, Chile

Dr. Miller received his Ph.D. in Biology from University of Oregon and is now an Assistant Professor of Population and Quantitative Genetics in the Department of Animal Science and Center for Watershed Sciences at University of California (UC), Davis. His research group is broadly interested in developing and applying genetics methods to solve problems in environmental and agricultural sciences. Much of their work focuses on characterizing demography and adaptation in Pacific salmon and trout with the goal of improving conservation, management, and restoration programs. In this seminar, Dr. Miller will tell us how his method for low-cost genotyping large populations by Next Generation Sequencing called Restriction site Associated DNA (RAD) sequencing in Pacific salmon revealed flaws in current genetic methods used for delineation of animal conservation units.