Alejandro Sepúlveda

Research Assistant
+56 (2) 2978 9528


  • Engineer in Bioinformatics, University of Talca, Chile, 2013.
  • Licentiate in Bioinformatics, University of Talca, Chile, 2012.


  1. Analysis of Differential Expression for Planctonic and Biofilm culture of mutant of LRS14-like gen in Sulfobolus acidocaldarius.
  2. ToleroMarkers project, in collaboration with Inmunology Program.

Participation in Congress

  • XLVIII Anual Meeting SOCHIGEN. Panel presentation: “Differential transcriptional analysis in tolerogenic dendritic cells from rheumatoid arthritis patients and healthy subjects modulated with dexamethasone and monophosphoryl lipid A”.