Thesis topics in genomic diversity of Chilean population

In the framework of the ChileGenomico Project, funded by CONICYT USA2013-0015:

“Genomic investigation of the human biodiversity in the pre-Columbian and contemporary Chilean Patagonia.”

We offer paid thesis topics in genomics and population genetics. Undergraduate and graduate level students are welcome.


  1. Whole genome sequence data analysis
  2. Microarray genotyping
  3. Bioinformatic analysis of genotype and haplotye data

The successful applicant should be pursuing or have a degree in life or exact sciences. It is desirable that he/she has already taken courses in population genetics or bioinformatics.

For more information about the project: Inquiries should be sent to Dr. Ricardo Verdugo  (

Applicants will be asked for a full CV and a letter of recommendation.