Opening event of FONDEQUIP EQM140157 Project
The project entitled: “Instalación de una plataforma de genómica mulipropósito en la Universidad de Chile” allowed the installation of the high-throughput sequencing platform “NextSeq 550 Sequencing System”, which was located in the “ChileGenomico” Laboratory belonging to the Human Genetic Program, being available to assist in the genomic projects of the community.
The event was celebrated on 15/01/2015 in Danko Brncic room, Human Genetic Program, ICBM, Faculty of Medicine, Unversity of Chile and it was attended by authorities of the faculty.
- NextSeq 550 Introductory Talk – Gustavo Gasparín, Illumina
- FONDEQUIP Project Presentation – Ricardo Verdugo
- Reception and Visiting to ChileGenomico Laboratory